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Installing Standard Alpine

Let's see in this section quick and easy steps to install Alpine Linux.


This tutorial was made using Alpine v3.20.x, if something is not working on future versions please open an issue on this repository.


This tutorial teaches how to install a standard base Alpine install, if you want to learn or configure deeper please see the official wiki. Bellow is the steps to do a easy and painless standard install, you can download Alpine here.



The installer needs internet, makes sure you have a ethernet cable with stable connection!

  1. Login by typing: root
  2. Start the setup script by running: setup-alpine
  3. Select your keyboard layout, en-us is: en us
  4. Press enter to keep the default hostname
  5. Press enter to keep the default eth settings
  6. Press enter to keep the default IP address scheme
  7. Press enter to keep the default networks settings
  8. Type a strong password for root
  9. Choose your timezone
  10. Press enter to keep the default proxy settings
  11. Press enter to keep the default mirror
  12. Type your system username
  13. Type your username full name
  14. Type a strong password for your user
  15. Press enter to keep the default ssh key settings
  16. Press enter to keep the default ssh server
  17. Type the disk to install Alpine (MAKE SURE TO USE THE RIGHT DISK)
  18. Install Alpine on the selected disk by typing: sys
  19. Type y to proceed with the installation
  20. Reboot or shutdown
  21. Congratulations! Now Alpine is installed on your disk!