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Installing KDE Plasma 6

Let's see in this section how to install KDE Plasma 6 on Alpine Linux.


After installing Alpine standard image you can proceed to turn on so that now you can install Plasma 6.


With all setup you can follow the steps bellow to install KDE Plasma:

  1. Type your username login
  2. Type your password
  3. Update the index of available packages by running: doas apk update
  4. Upgrade the currently installed packages by running: doas apk upgrade
  5. Install nano by running: doas apk add nano
  6. Enable community packages running: doas nano /etc/apk/repositories
  7. Remove the # on the community repository in the last line
  8. Save the file by pressing CTRL + X then y and then enter
  9. Check if the # is removed from the last line by running: cat /etc/apk/repositories
  10. Start the desktop script by typing: doas setup-desktop
  11. Install Plasma by typing: plasma
  12. Congratulations! Reboot your system and Plasma 6 will start!

Alpine Plasma setup is really minimal, it's recommended that you install Dolphin file manager:

doas apk add dolphin